Five Last Minute Holiday Outfits

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

No, I’m not talking about Christmas necessarily. I’m talking about the time of the year where you and everyone you know put on your most festive and sparkly outfit and post cute pics on Instagram to stunt on all your haters, am I right?

Although that may not be your exact reasoning, the majority of people spend their holidays surrounding by family, friends, and holiday parties. And if you have any Instagram presence at all, you probably post a picture to commemorate the occasion. Or in my case, the outfit haha.

And if you are anything else like me, you probably wait until the very last minute to pick your holiday outfit. Well today, on Christmas Eve Eve, I am here to hopefully prevent the ill fated combination of procrastination, stress, and sequin covered clothing. Below I am going to share five of my favorite festive outfits that are perfect for all types of holiday occasions! Hopefully, these outfits inspire you to stop procrastinating on any future holiday outfits. Worst case scenario, at least I got to wear some super fun outfits, take cute pictures, and post them on Instagram.

Sweater: Old Navy Scarf: old Belt: DKNY Leggings: JCPenney Boots: Steve Madden

Outfit 1: Going to See Christmas Lights with Bae

I’m going to be honest with you for a second, I only added this outfit because I wanted an excuse to wear a big fluffy scarf. Problem is that I don’t like going outside, and I can promise that you will be way too hot if you wear this indoors. So this outfit, while cute, is for those rare occasions when you go look at the Christmas lights around town with your family, or when you go ice skating with your bae.

I will be doing none of those this year, mostly because when I post this I will be arriving in sunny Florida for the holidays. But ya know, if you’re looking for the perfect outfit to wear out in the cold that also gives you an excuse to snuggle with your man, I wouldn’t blame you. It’s the perfect combination of festive colors and comfortable fabrics. Plus the cinched in waist and all black pants makes your legs look long and your waist line more flattering. See? I got your back.

Shirt: Thrifted Skirt: Old Navy Shoes: Boots

Outfit 2: Christmas Dinner with the Family

If you’ve been following me and the blog for long enough, then you know that this skirt always makes it’s way out this time of the year. I love the bright red buffalo plaid and the warmth of the wool material. Since it’s a little on the mini side, and like me you probably have relatives that judge you for wearing ripped jeans let alone a short skirt, I suggest pairing it with opaque tights.

This look is a level above jeans and a shirt, but it’s still very comfortable. And considering how much food we are all bound to eat on Thanksgiving 2.0 aka Christmas Dinner, I opted for a loose shirt instead of a form fitting one. Whatever it takes to hide the food baby!

Sweater: Old Navy Skirt: JCPenney Shoes: Franco Sarto Purse: Vintage

Outfit 3: A Very “Corporate” Christmas

When most people thing of work holiday parties, they probably think of boring outfits and meaningless small talk. But that doesn’t have to be the case. I have always been a firm believer in wearing fashionable outfits to work. Maybe it’s the stylist in me, but professional clothing doesn’t have to be plain or boring, and as long as you are following the dress code it doesn’t hurt to stand out and be confident.

While this outfit is a little more on the “safe” side, the details are what really makes this outfit pop. I decided to keep the color palette of this simple with black and white and hints of gold. The added texture and shine of the leather skirt creates interest, and even though the heels are not very high the gold embroidery makes them stand out. The sweater adds pattern and warmth, and the the gold necklace stands out on the high neck of the sweater. My favorite piece, however, is the gold, beaded antique bag. I own many antique and vintage bags, and I love them because they are so different and unique. Definitely a conversation starter too!

Sweater: Thrifted Skirt: Burlington Shoes: Nine West Clutch: old

Outfit 4: That Fancy Holiday Party You Never Thought You’d Be Invited To

Am I the only one that thought when you became an adult you would always have super fancy holiday parties to go to? Maybe I just watched too many movies, or maybe I’m just not at that stage of life yet. Either way, I am highly disappointed. Maybe next year I’ll throw a fancy holiday party for all my friends. After all, sometimes we need to work for the things we want.

Until then, I’ll continue to be overdressed for all my “regular” holiday parties. Any excuse to wear this gorgeous floor length, pattered, silk skirt. Doesn’t it just scream “Merry Christmas!” Since the skirt is thin, I wore it with a red sweater to bring out the color in the skirt and add some warmth. Throw on some heels, gold jewelry, and an embroidered clutch, and you’re good to go! That is if you have somewhere to go haha.

Dress: Old Navy Shoes: Old Navy Turtleneck: Old Navy Fanny Pack: Amazon

Outfit 5: When You Just Want to be Extra for the Holidays

This last look doesn’t have a partially occasion attached to it. In fact it doesn’t really have a rhyme or reason to it, apart from me just wanting to look super cute and extra for the holidays. Also I just got this red beret and I think I’m in love.

Sometimes when the holiday spirit hits you just right you have to go all out with color, pattern, accessories, and even poses. I layered the striped turtleneck under the dress to add a little extra pattern, and personally I love the way plaid looks with stripes. The belt bag/fanny pack not only worked to cinch in my waist in an otherwise waistless dress, but it also added an element of fun with the gold beetle and lion studs. The red beret is really the finishing touch here, though. I feel like without it, the outfit just wouldn’t look complete. I must admit, my outfits don’t always turn out the way they look in my mind, but this one turned out even better than I could have imagined!

Well, I hate to the the bearer of bad news but that’s the end of the holiday content on the blog. I hope you got some fashion inspiration, holiday inspiration, or a little bit of both. Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones, and I’ll see you next time!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Love, Kendall

My Summer in Film + Life Update

Hello everyone! It’s me again, and I’m here today with a post that has been a long time coming, literally. As you probably noticed, I went on a bit of a hiatus after graduating from college. Truth be told its been a rough couple of months. With the holidays and New Years just around the corner, the pressure to meet my goals and be successful is higher than ever. But life just kind of sucks right now, and I feel like I am no where closer to being where I want to be in life. The break has been much needed, and although I can’t promise that I’m back for good, I can say that I am focusing a lot more of my attention on blogging again. That’s because blogging and creating fashion related content brings me joy, and going into the New Year, I want to focus on things that bring me joy.

Speaking of things that bring me joy, I wanted to share with you some photos I took over the summer with my vintage film camera. I just got the negatives and scans back, and I can’t wait to show them to you. I must admit, when it comes to photography, I am pretty mediocre. But nevertheless these pictures take me back to fun memories made with my family. And I love that.

My extended family, uncle, aunt, and cousins, came to visit us this summer. It was a really great time full of quality family time, which was much needed considering we only get to see them once a year. My cousin Abbi helped me start my first roll of film, because she has been taking pictures on 35mm film for a while now (thanks Abbi!) So I started out by taking pictures of things around the house, to help get an idea of how it works. As you can see, I still haven’t really gotten the hang of it since most of these pictures are out of focus or dimly lit.

After the first couple of “test shots” for lack of a better word, I started taking my camera everywhere with me in case inspiration struck. I am by no means a professional photographer, so I mostly used this roll of film to capture memories, whether they were aesthetically pleasing or not. To me, taking pictures on film is very similar to taking pictures on your phone, but in a much more tangible way.

A lot of these pictures are from a trip to Crystal Bridges, an art museum in Arkansas, with the family. If you are a long time fan of the blog you may remember our last time going there. It is one of my favorite museums (I love museums!) and I wanted to take pictures of everything.

This picture of my brother is the last one on my roll of film. It was taken the day we moved him into his college dorm, and it signified the end of summer for our family. I miss him all the time, and he is one of my closest friends. I can’t wait to see him for the holidays! He also got into film photography this summer, and he has much more of an artistic eye than I do!

These final two pictures were taken by my cousin Abbi, who is definitely more experienced than I am. Also they make me look cute.

To me, film photography was such a unique experience. In a world where we can take out our phones and take pictures whenever we want to, it was nice to actually take the time to choose what I wanted to immortalize in my limited shots on my roll of film. There was a bit of pressure in making sure each shot was perfect, but the fact that I couldn’t tell if it came out the way I wanted until I got it developed made it so much more fun. If you ever have the chance to work with film, I highly recommend it. It can be so exciting, and the results will leave you so proud of yourself.

I know this post was a little different than usual today, but I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if you have ever worked with film before, or if you want to try it someday!

See ya next time!

Love, Kendall

Today’s Look: Home for the Holidays

Well Merry Christmas, y’all!

I know it’s been a long time since I posted anything new. But after the past couple of months I’ve had, this break was much needed. As some of you may know, earlier this year I severely injured my knee, which resulted in surgery and physical therapy. After that, I decided to continue my hiatus for personal reasons which I will share in a following blog post. Needless to say this year has been rough for me, but I’m just glad to be surrounded by the ones I love for the holidays and to be one semester closer to graduation. I plan on getting back into a routine of sharing these moments with you through blog posts.

But enough about the past, let’s talk about the present (ha, present…Christmas…see what I did there?)


Sweater: Old Navy (similar here and here) Skirt: Old Navy (similar here) Boots: Steve Madden (similar here for 40% off!) Coat: Cato (similar here and here)


For this outfit, I went with something that was festive, without being straight up Christmas-y. I got this red plaid skirt on clearance, but the weather had started to warm up, so I didn’t get much wear out of it until recently. I love the pop of color it brings to an otherwise dreary outfit. I paired it with this light grey turtleneck sweater to add some contrast to the overall dark tones of this outfit. Of course I had to add these thigh high boots and coat to provide some warmth, because while I may be in Oklahoma, it can get very chilly this time of year.

I chose the boots, because they cover up my legs without having to wear tights (although you could add some if you wanted to) and then the coat was added to make the outfit seem more cohesive and festive. If you are in the market for a new coat this year, then I definitely suggest something in a bright and bold color. In the winter, we tend to cover up our outfits with big bulky coats, so why not make the coat itself a fashion statement by picking something fun.


No matter what circumstances are surrounding you this holiday season, I hope that you find even the smallest moments of happiness. I know that for many Christmas is a time for family, but don’t forget to take some time for yourself to reflect, rest, and find peace. And most of all, enjoy every moment you can. Savor it. Tell the people around you how much they mean to you. Look forward to the things God has in store.


Merry Christmas, everyone! And Happy Holidays!

Love, Kendall
