4 Cute Halloween Costumes from Your Closet

Guys, it’s the day before Halloween, and we all know what that means. You’re still scrambling to come up with a costume in less than 24 hours, because you decided to wait until the last minute. To make matters worse, you need to spend as little money as possible. Don’t worry, this is a judgment free zone. We’ve all been there before, and sometimes procrastination still gets the better of us.

As someone who has most definitely been in the situation before, I have equipped myself with an arsenal of last minute Halloween costume ideas that I can put together with the contents of my closet. Below, I have selected four of those costumes to show you. So let’s get the creative juices flowing with some inspiration!

Photo Oct 24, 2 46 33 PMPhoto Oct 24, 2 45 13 PMPhoto Oct 24, 2 43 24 PM

Holly Golightly – Breakfast at Tiffany’s

This is by far one of my favorite costume ideas, inspired by one of my all-time favorite movie and character! If you haven’t seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s, then stop whatever you are doing and watch it immediately. It is a cinematic masterpiece starring Audrey Hepburn as the darling Holly Golightly, a sophisticated women with a troubled past and a tendency to never put down roots. For this costume, which recreates the iconic opening scene, you need a little black dress, black heels, lots of pearls, and the biggest sunglasses you can find. Bonus points if you wear a tiara, long white gloves, and carry a coffee and breakfast pastry.

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Lydia Deetz – Beetlejuice

This costume was so fun to put together, and it fits the Halloween theme so perfectly! Beetlejuice is a Halloween classic (at least to me it is) and this costume seemed only fitting considering it is the 25th anniversary of Beetlejuice. Lydia Deetz is played by a young Winona Ryder (one of her first movies, actually). She is the epitome of a goth queen. From her outfit, hair and makeup, and her witty one liners, recreating her look is simple! For this costume, you need an all black outfit, black choker, grunge makeup, and big teased hair. Bonus points if carry a vintage film camera, the Book For the Recently Deceased, or slick your bangs like Lydia.

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A Hogwarts Student – Harry Potter Films

If you are a Harry Potter fan like me you probably know your Hogwarts house, and own the corresponding tie/scarf (no shame). If you do then this costume is a no brainer, and if not, don’t worry! This costume is still fairly easy to create, you just may need to buy/borrow a tie or scarf. For this costume, I went with the typical Gryffindor school uniform which consisted of a black skirt, black tights, black shoes, a white button down, and the Gryffindor tie. Bonus points if you add a gray sweater, school scarf, wand, or Harry Potter glasses and scar!

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Edna Mode – The Incredibles

Okay y’all knew when I dyed my hair dark and cut it into a bob that I had to recreate a look by the Queen of Fashion herself, Miss Edna Mode. Honestly, if she’s not your favorite character in The Incredibles then I question your judgement. But for real though this look was so fun to do and I truly think she is a fan favorite this Halloween. For her super chic ensemble I wore another all black outfit, but this time with a skirt, collared shirt, and blazer. You can’t forget the black shoes and tights, and a red accent around the neck. I opted for a statement necklace, but a tie or ascot would also work. Bonus points for the Edna hairstyle and a rolled up magazine to beat some sense into your friends while screaming “GO, FIGHT WIN!” at them.

I hope you enjoyed my second Halloween blog post. What can I say? It’s my favorite time of the year! Now go run to your closet and create your own Halloween costume, whether it is inspired by my creations or something completely your own. Have a fun and safe Halloween! Boo to you!

Love, Kendall

Photo Oct 30, 4 13 29 PM

Spring Break Recap

Hello everyone!

It’s been a whirlwind of a week, am I right? Well after the crazy fun time I had over spring break, I took about a week to get my crap together. But now I’m back with a spring break recap for you all!

T-Shirt: Target Skirt: Old Navy (Similar) Jacket: Old Navy (DIYed by me)

When my roommate and I first started planning our senior spring break trip, we knew we absolutely wanted to go to Universal Studios in Orlando. Harry Potter has been such a bonding experience for us since we first met freshman year (she literally read the entire series to me out loud because I had never read them before), so seeing the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was priority number one. Disney was sort of an add on because my roommate had never been, and I hadn’t been in 4-5 years. Due to budget constraints, we decided to buy tickets for one day at Universal Studios and Island of Adventure so that we could experience the entirety of Harry Potter World, and the one day at Disney’s Magic Kingdom because it’s a classic, duh! In all seriousness, we chose Magic Kingdom because it had the most rides and attractions that we wanted to do.

Once everything was booked, I immediately started planning outfits in my head. Although let’s be real, I’ve been planning these in my head for months.

For Universal I went for a modern day Hogwarts student vibe, and personally I think I nailed it. In case you were wondering, I’m a Gryffindor. Shout out to my fellow Gryffindors! I’ve had this Hogwarts t-shirt for awhile now, and was grateful for the excuse to wear it! I paired it with this black circle skirt so that I could be comfortable and still look cute (don’t worry, I wore shorts underneath it!) The weather while we were at Universal was very stormy, and we actually experienced a few showers while we were there. Because of this my denim jacket not only completed the outfit, but also came in handy. I love how the patches and pins just added some color and personality to my outfit. To finish the look I brought my cream, leather backpack.

By far, this park was more than I could have ever hoped for. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was absolutely magic. It truly felt like we had been transported to Hogwarts. Because of the weather, it was not busy at all. We barely had to wait for any rides, and the experience was completely worth it.

T-Shirt: Disney Store (old)  Shorts: Old Navy  Jacket: Old Navy (DIYed by me)  Ears: Disney (obviously)

We went to Disney the day after the storm, so it was much cooler due to the cold front that the weather brought in. Yet another reason I was glad I brought my denim jacket. I have had this Alice in Wonderland t-shirt for so long. Luckily it still fit and came in handy for this Disney inspired outfit. I paired it with these peachy pink linen shorts from Old Navy to bring out the pink in the shirt. My goal as soon as I got into Magic Kingdom was to find the perfect pair of ears to go with my outfit. I definitely lucked out, because these vintage Minnie Mouse inspired ears matched the colors in my outfit perfectly.

As far as the day went, it was really nice outside which was great. However, because of this is was crazy crowded. We waited 2 hours for one ride. TWO HOURS! It was brutal. But when we got to watch Cinderella’s Castle light up at the end of the day it was so magical that it melted all our stress from the day away and made it all worth it.

Overall, I had an amazing time over spring break. This trip was a long time coming, and I’m so glad my roommate and I finally did it. Even though we were exhausted by the end of it (and a little broke) I believe that the memories we made were one’s that will last.

So what did you do over spring break? Have you ever been to Universal Studios or Disney World? If so, what was your favorite thing about it? Let me know in the comments down below!

See you guys next week!

Love, Kendall